Donna Juzva
Astrological Chart & Personal Readings
Astrological Chart & Personal Readings
A look at life while the sun is in Capricorn
Learn about one of the oldest forms of astrology practiced in the Western Hemisphere.
“Chinese Astrology – Exploring the Eastern Zodiac” by Shelly Wu
Lots of Great Gifts for the Astrology Lover in Everyone
A look at this exciting sign and what it means to you
“Mythic Astrology” by Ariel Guttman & Kenneth Johnson offers a different perspective into Astrology and Mythology.
Exploring the Dark Secrets Embraced by the Scorpion
Exploring the Twelve Houses of Your Natal Chart
During mid-autum, when the sun is in Scorpio, we honor our dead and prepare to explore our inner realms
Moon Tides, Soul Passages by Maria Kay Simms
Increasing Air Flow and Balance in our Lives with the Help of the Libra Sun
What is an eclipse? How does it affect us?
Libra restores balance to our lives
An Explaination of Mercury Retrograde and Its Affects on Our Lives
During a solar eclipse the moon blocks the sun.
How the Zodiac is Linked to Your Physical Body and Your Health
Virgo brings changes in the seasons and in our lives
The Majestic Sun, a Symbol of Life, Creativity and Personal Power
Understanding Numerology's Nine Year Cycle
This article explains how your personality is affected by your Rising Sign and your Moon Sign as well as your Sun Sign.
“The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Astrology Talk ! Come share your views ! Astrology affects our lives everyday. How is Astrology affecting you today ?