<%@ Language=VBScript %> I Am Always Forgetting Something - Mused - the BellaOnline Literary Review Magazine
BellaOnline Literary Review
Tentacles by Christine Catalano

Table of Contents


I Am Always Forgetting Something

Linda Leedy Schneider

My list of things to do,
my car keys,
my best friendĀ“s name
in third grade,

my recipe for paprikash chicken,
how many are coming for dinner.
I forget and again
set a place for him.

I forget to water
the morning glory seeds,
pull the thistles from the lilies,
deadhead the peonies.

I forget my lipstick color,
how to make fudge,
his blue eyes.

I forget it was
part of the dream
I have forgotten.

What happened to
my wedding shoes,
the penny for good luck,
where is the longing
and laughter?

Is it somewhere with
the lists, the car keys,
the thistles, the yellowed lace,
the tarnished penny?